Cold Logic Pty Ltd

38-40 Wingfield Road
Wingfield SA 5013

+61 8 8240 3333


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Company Overview

Cold Logic provide design, install and service refrigeration and climate control systems for the food and beverage, manufacturing and the defence sectors.

With over 35 years of experience, today we work with customers like ASC, Boeing, Coopers Brewery, Aldi, and Mayne Pharma, to mention a few.

Typically, Cold Logic tends to work with customers who have complex refrigeration and cooling systems and are worried because their plant does not perform to expectations, or isn’t as reliable as they would like it to be, and they are frustrated with service providers not taking enough responsibility.

We undertake contracting projects Australia-wide and have a trusted service network across the country to serve our customers for routine works and emergency breakdowns.

Products and Services

Cold Logic is a turn-key provider for HVAC&R and environmental control applications.

With our in-house engineering, manufacturing, install and service capability we are able to support our clients through the entire project life-cycle from concept to in-service support.

We work with all typical refrigerants such as HFC, HFO, HC, NH3 and CO2 and belong to the small and exclusive group of contractors that are trusted by multi-national equipment OEMs to design and manufacture custom system and packages. This allows us to provide our clients with reliable and efficient custom solutions for their needs.


ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001


  • Machinery and Equipment Maintenance
  • Manufacturing
  • Other Goods and Equipment Rental and Hiring
  • Other Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
  • Other Services
  • Pump Compressor Heating and Ventilation Equipment Manufacturing
  • Rental Hiring and Real Estate Services

Other Capabilities

– Hire of Fluid Chillers
– Maintenance and Repair of HVAC&R Systems & Components
– Provision Cooling Systems supply & through life support

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